Greetings from a sun-filled day here in the Bronx. ☀️
I’m reminded that it’s helpful to remind others about the evergreen offerings I have for sale. Below is a list of my online courses and digital products. Please reach out if you have any questions.
Have an awesome day!
➤ We Heal For All Circle training
Learn how to facilitate healing-oriented community space with the We Heal For All Circle model. Concrete tools to strengthen the collective healing work you’re called to do.
➤ Empower yourself, dear feeler: Emotions 101 with Yoga
Explore cutting-edge teaching on what emotions are, their evolutionary purpose, & the neurobiology behind them. Embody what you learn through yoga & emotional mindfulness practices.
➤ Eco-emotions Facilitation Tools
Healing-centered exercises & resources to help your community process climate anxiety, eco-grief & more. Contemplative & heart-based
➤ Are you feeling the world’s pain? Guided meditation
For times when you feel intense emotions around social, environmental and political issues. A guided meditation that supports you to ground, connect, and be present in your spiritual heart on behalf of collective healing.