Liz from We Heal For All
We Heal For All (Podcast)
How are you, right now?

Paid episode

The full episode is only available to paid subscribers of Liz from We Heal For All

How are you, right now?

Guided meditation | Check in with yourself before engaging with the world

We all know the world affects us, right? But in the midst of to-do lists and nonstop media, it can be hard to notice exactly how.

This meditation is an invitation to check in with yourself and establish a baseline of how you are right now in this moment before you engage with the world. 

You can use it as a reference as you take in new information, have conversations, and go about your day. What within me has shifted? What has stayed the same? What does that say about the way reading that news story or meeting with that person affected me?

Mindfulness practices like these are key to being in healthy relationship with the world. My hope is that this can be a go-to of yours to deepen your sense of self and what you need. 

This meditation is a perk of being a paid subscriber (thank you!). Each month I’ll offer a new practice in support of collective healing.

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Liz from We Heal For All
We Heal For All (Podcast)
Collective healing for our complex times. Support for being in relationship with the world's pain